![]() I know there are lots of us who get the "itch" to de-clutter when the seasons change. After the kids start school, I change over our wardrobes, storing the bathing suits and shorts and hauling down from the attic the sweaters, sweatshirts and wool pants that will grace our closets for the next six months or so. I put away the patio furniture and kids' beach toys and, every year, feel a pang of regret for not moving out west or down south in our pre-baby days where we could have summer all year 'round. In any case, when the times comes, I feel the need to start cleaning out my house, too. I feel like the holidays are coming quickly (as evidenced by the retail industry cramming them down our throats a full two months before Halloween) and with all of the new toys, clothes and stuff we'll be adding to our little house, I really need to clear out some space. I'm not a hoarder, but I'm not one of those people who throws away everything in her wake. I guess I'm somewhere in the middle but could do a better job of staying on top of things and trying to take a look at the house and its belongings objectively. "Put it on probation," I've said before. If you're not sure about whether to keep or toss an object, give it a week, a month or three months. After that time, if you still feel the same way about it or have found a use for it, then keep it. If you haven't thought about it or used it, give it away, donate it or toss it. Next week my focus will be on de-cluttering. People have lots of reasons for keeping items. Here's a great article about the top six reasons we have a hard time of getting rid of our stuff. Top 6 causes of clutter
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